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The Future Past vs. Coloniality, ACM SIGGRAPH, Daegu, South Korea

I am presenting a new work in the exhibit: THE FUTURE PAST VS. COLONIALITY: DECOLONIAL MEDIA ART BEYOND 530 YEARS, A transborder exhibition organized by Liliana Conlisk Gallegos for the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community. Read the introduction to show here. Visit exhibit online here. Read Curatorial Statement here.

Coloniality refers to the colonial ideals, concepts, formats, and organizations which continue to produce decontextualized knowledge which ignores that there have always been other ways of doing, thinking, valuing, and being. Decoloniality may seem new due to this decontextualization. THE FUTURE PAST VS. COLONIALITY: Decolonial Media Art Beyond 530 Years concentrates on the work of artists who are dedicated to the movement of decoloniality and who also question the limited definitions of Media and New Media Art. In the Americas, they follow a school of thought principally headed by an Indigenous and Afro-Latin American effort which focuses on dismantling the apparently organic and unquestionable nature of Eurocentric concepts and ideals.


Audrey Rangel Aguirre | Reciprocity

Federico Cuatlacuatl | Tiemperos del Antropoceno

Francisco de Parres Gómez | Guerrilla Digital en tiempos de Necropolítica

Gustavo Alfonso Rincon | New Media Architectures: Decoloniality & Speculative Futures One- A Dialogue (A Confused History America vs the World vs Nature)

Isidro Zepeda | A Chicano Art Testimonio: Children of the Sun

Jesus Maya and Paloma Villegas | Que la tierra les sea leve: Negotiating the Pandemic in Mexico City

Jose Lozano | La Metro Loteria (La Brea) and Bristol Food Court Loteria (Santa Ana)

Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid | Seizure – Rewriting counter-histories

Mark Chavez, Ina Conradi-Chavez, and Tate Egon Chavez | Quantum LOGOS (vision serpent)

Naim Aburaddi | Gaza & San Bernardino: Helicopters of Horror and Hope

Nora Al-Badri | Babylonian Vision

Pico del Hierro-Villa | The Methodology of Queer Visual Storytelling

Praba Pilar | Nixtamalízaté-té-té

Raul Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet | Nomad Dreams / Sueños Nómadas

Rewa Wright and Simon Howden | Nga manawataki o te koiora: Biorhythms

Ricardo Dominguez, micha cárdenas, Amy Sara Carroll, Elle Mehrmand and Brett Stalbaum (Electronic Disturbance Theatre 2.0/b.a.n.g. lab) | The Transborder Immigrant Tool (TBT) / La herramienta transfronteriza para inmigrantes

Roopesh Sitharan | Untitled

Siran Sun and Yan Xia | Tree Pruning

V Barratt and Francesca da Rimini | Her Eyes Were as Black as Coal

This online exhibition is curated by Liliana Conlisk Gallegos. THE FUTURE PAST VS. COLONIALITY is a project of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community and is scheduled to premiere at the annual SIGGRAPH ASIA conference, 6-9 December 2022 in Daegu, South Korea with a second opening at the annual SIGGRAPH conference, 9-13 August, 2022 in Los Angeles, California, USA.
ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community

The mission of the Digital Arts Community (DAC) is to foster year-round engagement and dialogue within the digital, electronic, computational and media arts. Facilitate dynamic scholarship and creative programming within the ACM SIGGRAPH organization. Promote collaboration between artists and the larger computer graphics and interactive techniques community.